Monday, March 21, 2016

Sanhedrin and the New Moon

The Sanhedrin has begun accepting eyewitness testimony of Crescent New Moon sightings. They intend to use new moon sightings at some time in the future to establish the first day of Hebrew months. This is the way it was done in biblical times in accordance with the calendar God gave Moses at Mt. Sinai. Since 359 A.D the Jews have used the mathematical Hillel II (Rabbinic) Calendar to determine months and feast days. Having been exiled to various nations of the world they were unable to observe the Crescent New Moon and the Aviv barley in Israel.

You may ask why this matters. Well you first must understand that God does not fulfill prophetic events according to the Rabbinic or Gregorian calendars. Our Gregorian calendar is a 1582 A.D. revision of the pagan Julian calendar set up by Julius Caesar in 45 B.C. But God does schedule prophetic events according to the Biblical Crescent New Moon Calendar. I will give two examples in modern times. The first example is the capture of Jerusalem by the British in 1917, a major prophetic event. On our calendar it was Tuesday, December 11, 1917, but on the Biblical Calendar it was the 25th day of the 9th month which is the 1st day of Hanukkah (The Feast of Dedication John 10:22). The second example is the day modern Israel became a nation. On our calendar it was Saturday, May 15, 1948, but on the biblical calendar it was the Feast of Pentecost (Chag Shavuot). I could give numerous other examples but what makes this really important is that the things scheduled to take place in the end times like the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls of Revelation will be fulfilled according to the Biblical Calendar and not according to the Rabbinic or Gregorian Calendars. Jonathan Cahn a dear Jewish brother in Christ made some predictions for September 2015 that didn’t happen. Jonathan got it wrong because he's following the Rabbinic Calendar and not the Biblical Calendar. You may be skeptical, but I’ve seen too many major events take place according to the Biblical Calendar to be convinced otherwise.

Bryant Jones

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